Today i started my web development journey and made the accounts on Github and Vercel and made my first website live.
First of all I wrote a code on html through vs code . in that, i learned what is boiled plate code and what are Emmet shortcuts. Basically Emmet shortcuts are the shortcuts which are installed in vs code to make our work easy and compatible.
Then I learned git bash and git hub. with the help of git bash command prompt i pushed my html file in my github repository through various commands as follows:
git init : to initialise git in folder.
git add . : to add all the files in git present in the folder.
git commit -m "message" : to commit the changes made in git folder.
git remote add origin <github link> : to tell git where we have to push the files.
git push -u origin master : to push all the files in github.
After that I connected my github account with vercel and import that html file and give it a proper name and then my website became live.